Several readers emailed us separately with this solution and we've also seen a transcript of a chat with an Apple Support employee in which the same solution is offered. You can read about it here on Tech Republic. This super-simple and mostly secret solution really exists. Go to the Password & Account in the Settings, click on Add account. Probably, you have already added the iCloud and other accounts. If you see a registered Apple ID, then you are good to go for the next step. Reset your Apple ID Password and then on your new Android phone, text STOP to 48369. Step 1: Open up the iPad or iPhone Settings and click on your account on top. We hear that the problem often fixes itself after 45 days. But keep the old one in case there's a problem. Once iMessage is deactivated and you're sure your phone number has been deleted from all your Apple equipment you can buy a new phone.
Wait 45 days before dumping your iPhone for a new non-Apple phone. The message will turn from blue to green. Completely impossible in most situations, obviously, but there it is. If your iPhone friends text you and it doesn't go through, make them hit the "i" information button next to the failed text and, when prompted, resend the text as a text message and not an iMessage. Ask your friends to hit "send as text message." Other customers have also said they should delete your text history from their phones, too! (To test whether this works, you might want to have one iPhone friend delete you and another do nothing in order to test whether you can get texts from both.) 4. The problem here is that even if you start receiving texts from those iPhone users again, you may not be receiving texts from anyone else who had you as an iMessage contact until they do the same thing. But this is one of the pieces of advice Apple is giving. Have your closest friends and loved ones delete and re-add your phone number from their contact lists.