Also don’t be shy to say Hi ! I felt inspired by Fantageville to start blogging and my goal as a blogger is to help people have an amazing experience on Fantage. You can find me on servers like Silver Bunny. I quit in 2013 and came back in 2015 since I love Fantage so after two years without playing I started playing again. I’m the admin of this blog and this is my very first blog. Hii I’m Blizz ! I play the piano. My favorite color is purple.

This blog has the latest Fantage event cheats, info, fun posts and many more ! We really hope that we will be able to help you. This blog mainly focuses on helping users throughout Fantage. When there are Starz, take the ones that are worth more first.Our blog is about helping Fantagians have an amazing time on Fantage. Click the top left knob a few times and water will squirt out. Go to the Carnival and find the fire hydrant.

When there is fruit, get oranges to run faster. Then, click on the balcony that is close to it. To get the corresponding item, use one of the following combinations.ģ rare gems or 1 semi-rare gem and 2 rare gems. Once you play on your backup for a certain amount of time, both of your accounts will benefit with a level up and free eCoins. You can repeat this thousands of times if you wanted. When making your account, be sure to enter your main account's username. On Fantage, you can make accounts with fake emails. Unfortunately, you may find that none of the friends you invited did it correctly or want to join. Inviting friends to Fantage is an easy way to level up and earn eCoins. You may have noticed the friends invite on your or other's IDFones. Play Splash! and win to get up to 80 Starz. When the fashion show ends you will get Starz and points.

Host a fashion show and wait until many people arrive. Face the spare user repeatedly to earn a lot of Starz. If you want to turn it back you have to go in the dance place and come back out.Ĭreate a user and a spare user.